Garfield County hotels

Directions and Maps

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Our Directions and Maps page is designed to make your trip to Southern Utah as memorable as possible!

This page is designed to help you find us while on your way here from the East or West into our Bryce Canyon area. We are conveniently located within Cannonville, Utah -  adjacent to the Grand Staircase National Monument.

We are just a few seconds off Scenic Rt 12 at Cannonville. If you are coming from Torrey or the Capital Reef area of Southern Utah, we are literally on the way to Bryce Canyon. When you get to Cannonville, just turn left onto Red Rock Drive, at the KOA Campground - we are at 75 N Red Rock Drive - on the right side of the road.

If you are coming from Bryce Canyon, we are only a few miles east on Scenic Rt 12. Just stay on Rt 12 until you come to Cannonville and turn RIGHT onto N Red Rock Drive - we are # 75 on the right side of the road.

If you have the time, be sure to stop at the Visitor Center in Cannonville for up to the date information of the entire area, as well. The Visitor Center is only a block from our new location!

Just Click the + Sign on the Bottom Left of the Map for a Larger version of the Map and area.

Beautiful Kodachrome State Park

Grand Staircase Visitor Center - a Block Away!

Grandstaircase Inn - Gas, Food and Store - 2 Blocks Away

Cannonville Playground - Across the Street!

As you see from the above pictures - we chose our new location with a great deal of thought! We wanted our guests to be closer to Bryce Canyon, yet have more conveniences. Our Cannonville location is much better. The Grand Staircase Visitor Center is literally a block away. The Grandstaircase Inn - with a convenience store, gas and food is a short walk also!

Families will really enjoy the Cannonville Playground - lots to do and it is across the street from us!

Southern Utah offers so much for various types of excursions throughout the area. Take a look at our Day Trips page to help plan your trip here.

We realize so many people come here with only a day or two available to see this incredible area. We just want to encourage you to research all the great side trips that can be done while here. Some can be done while on the way here, while others are just a great side/day trip to enjoy - Arches, Waterfalls, Dinosaur Tracks, Petroglyphs, etc.

We can help you plan your stay so you get to see as much as you want.

Be sure to Reserve your cabin early - we have visitors from all over the world enjoying  Bryce Canyon, the Grand Staircase and our cabins!

We only have 5 cabins and they get reserved quickly!

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